
    Scraper 2018-07-24

    Enjoyed the design especially the solar panels, you know how to choose your colour scheme and block choices too.

    two things that irk me a bit logistics wise.
    1- it's always good to have the core close to the seat so you can sit before coring up and have a default "cockpit view" not just for RP purposes, but for the sake of "in case your cams get blown up.

    2- I like the engines, and the fact that the reactor is in the engine, but I'd like to see some bloom. Maybe the crystal lining a wall of ice that's in front of the thrusters with a space in between. Then set the bloom colour to yellow. That will make the ship come alive when people zoom out to enjoy their ship.

    All in all I like the look and function though!
    Quite liked this ship. It's simple, with a pretty design for it's size and quite effective.