RF-57P Tigerlily II

    RF-57P Tigerlily II 0.991

    This is very fantastic! The hangar and pylon opener logic seems broken though
    I like this ship, I've downloaded this ship, I've even watched Saber review this ship, but I will never for the sake of my own health use or load this ship. Not because I don't like it, but because I kind of like my legs where they are and not blown off because my computer exploded after loading it. As much as I adore this ship, I don't want to end up like Jonty's laptop.
    Woaw, woaw, woaw, woaw .... woaw ! Genius !
    I think i just jizzed in my pants.
    THE sight to behold
    BOF... I wont even give it a try... Unless i want to crash my world... Too much beauty for my internet connection.
    Amazing. My only complain is the lag it causes, but of course with that amount of detail and surface area, there's no way you can even get close to a planet loading. Really cool concept and looks amazing but not for practical use.
    Epic, one question. where's the red one you were working on? do you still have it? I loved the look of that one :) see you starside.
    10/10 broke my game when the fleet spawned 3 of them. Good job Trading Guild, hope your happy.
    I love the lotus design idea. What did you start with when you designed this? This is the kind of thing I start but never actually finish.
    The exterior aesthetics are perfect, and the shape of the ship accents the plain hull areas well. Even the sharp edges seem to flow.
    Good variety of turrets too.
    I cant even look at the whole ship with regular settings.
    You weren't kidding with those system requirements, the pictures just cant capture how big this ship is. Maybe toss in a picture of the ship next to an Isanth to give people a bit of reference.
    Holy Crap that murderous amount of surface area!
    Impressed that my craptop can still handle it at 10 frames.

    Now to mirror the two front hulls vertical so their is 4 of them. Wonder how that would look. :P