Research Station S

    Research Station S 2014-05-03

    excellent station.
    The 'All original space station' idea put me off a bit but after i actually checked it out, (after seeing the number of downloads), i was pleasantly surprised. This station is brilliant. Well done indeed.
    This station has quiet the beautiful interior. I also nominate it for the space station contest.
    So, I know this wasn't actually submitted by the author for the "default station" contest.... Can I nominate it anyway? Jaw-dropping work... Now that we have copy/paste functionality it would probably be less than an hours work to translate the structure into an actual "base".
    This station makes my game crash and i can't play star made i followed the steps but i click play and it crashes.It looks cool but this happens.
    I'm sorry to hear that, although i highly doubt that the station itself is the cause of the crash as the total amount of blocks is comparable to that to the default stations generated by the game. Since this happened to only you, as far as I know, I have my doubts that my station would cause your game to crash.

    If I can help in some way I will try, however, I would need more information as to when the crash occurs (which step in the process). If the crash occurs before you attempt step 6 then it probably isn't my station that is the problem unless the file here has become corrupted somehow. If you crash after you try step 6 then, again either the file here might have somehow been corrupted or something went wrong in the process.

    Also in the future if you have a technical problem with a resource that might not even be the fault of the resource creator, contact the owner of the resource through the private messaging system to see if they can help you get squared away before just rating a resource poorly. As I stated I have my doubts that my station is the cause of the problem since I've not heard of any problems from any of the other 200 people that have downloaded it (but for all I know it may have somehow become corrupted - I'll check for this possibility).

    Again if I can help I will try to, just message me at which step in the process for loading the resource the crash occurs. Also if your using some launcher other than the default StarMade launcher to try and load this I can't say for sure if it'll work or if the process steps are even the same. (I only state this because I know some people have worked on making other Launcher programs for StarMade)
    Nice Station! I certainly think that it looks really cool, and it sorta seems like a small outpost-type station you might find in Star Trek (Of which I'm a fan of, the shows, not the recent movies, so that makes me like this even more). I'm definitely going to download this and use it a lot. I agree with Ithirahad in that this would make a better shop (Advanced or otherwise in my opinion), so yeah. Great Job. I also like how you leave it up to us the minor details about internal space.
    Thanks! I've seen many a Star Trek episodes so its possible that some of the designs of space stations/ships from Star Trek influenced my designs for this station. Also, I find personal customization key factor in any design so I try not to go to overboard with my own designs so people can personalize my work to suit their own tastes.
    This is an impressive station... It would make for a really good replacement for the current Advanced Shops (NPC shops). I intend to build a similar redesign for Standard Shops.
    Thanks, happy to hear you like it. I think I might start working on one to be more suited to a shop as well. Possibly using some similar designs I used on this.
    Excellent small station, and good use of curves and contours. What I really liked is how asymmetric this station is. Really shows that this station has a lot of thought put into it.

    I'd give this a 4.5, but since there's no half star function, 5 is more acceptable than a 4. The only thing I was disappointed in was that whole lower chamber is inaccessible. The glow in there is really sweet and that's just prime real estate for this already amazing station.
    Thanks, I did my best at trying to make it not perfectly symmetric.

    Also you can always modify the station to suit your needs :p, my feelings won't be hurt lol
    :P I think i might start making a shop, possibly along some of the same design parameters as this, but with a few tweaks.
    I love this station. Good home base, but it ONLY needs some turrets because home bases, as you probably know, are attacked ALOT. But still,
    I would say 4.5 stars
    Happy to hear it, and yes if you plan on using it for a base of any kind turrets or some way of defending it are a must.

    I just didn't want to add the turrets all over it because I was just aiming to make a station like the default stations generated throughout the StarMade universe, only with a more interesting design.

    I did leave a bunch of empty space toward the bottom and through the outer walls, for power and shields, for each user to customize to their power, shield preferences. There should also be a number of places to place turrets, again at the preference to each user.
    i liked this station, but I had to make a few modifications to it. i use the basic station as it was, but I added a pair of small fighter hangers and use it as my faction Headquarters we call it the wolves den.
    Glad you liked it, and I didn't want to restrict what you(other people) could do with it to much, so modifications to personalize what you wanted to use it for is not surprising and why I built it the way I did.
    This should be the new default station :D
    I aim to please :D. I did build this with the mindset - what would make a nice replacement to default stations without going overboard and without using to many blocks. I'm happy with the way it came out and I'm glad that others like it as much as I do.
    this is how stations need to look: very cool and futuristic and this is very cool and futuristic
    Heh, thanks. I was aiming for cool lol.
    Really cool station!
    Thanks, I hope my next one turns out cool too.
    This base is amazing!
    Thanks, happy to hear it :D
    Excellent but no shuttle bay?
    Nothing as grand as a shuttle bay, no, but I figure the main hangar below the docking ring is a sufficient area for at least a shuttle craft.
    how how did did you save a station... great station by the way but still... I call hacks! nah you just converted the msec file into a sment file and you probably lucked out and it worked :P.
    Thought people would know, but I'll explain. I hopped into building mode on my station then I used the command: /save [insert station name here] e.g. /save Research_Station_S

    Then these step:
    1) Open the StarMade launcher
    2) Start game
    3) Now on the Starmade Connection Setup go to Tools
    4) Open the Ship Catalog Manager
    5) Select the station you just saved(e.g. Research_Station_S) and select export to get your Research_Station_S.sment file.

    Then all you have to do is load it using: /load [station file name] [station name as you want it to appear] e.g. /load Research_Station_S Woohoo

    There you have it :D, and glad you like.
    How did you save a Space Station o_O

    This is a real space station that must be spawned with the /load command
    See my response to dark_J on how I saved it.

    Also thanks fro reminding me about how to load it, i'll add that in the overview in case others wonder about it.
    Nice station. Love the design!
    Thanks, glad you like it :D.