Heavy Fighter / Bomber armed with quad Damage beams and trio Guided missiles and shield drain.
    The Prodromos is fairly well armored and boasts slightly above average shields for it's class, along with decent mobility.
    Slow shield recharge favors a hit and run strategy as the decent top speed lets you get in and out of situations faster.

    Comes with 2 cameras, one cockpit view and front view along with a jump drive, scanner, retractable landing gear and access ramps on both sides.


    Mass: 415.2 with 2,089 blocks
    Length: 51m, Height: 7m, Width: 33m
    Power: 103,592 capacity, with 12,519/sec regen
    Thrust: 152.8, PowerCons/sec 2733.3; Max Speed: 685.4
    Total rotational potential: 1.1, 1.1, 1,9
    Shields: 7,465 capacity with 220/sec regen

    Structure hitpoints: 45,835
    Armor hitpoints: 148,600
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      Ekdromos v1.0
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