Peregrine Fighter Replica-ish

    Peregrine Fighter Replica-ish V4

    This is a replica of the Peregrine Fighter from the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine series.
    But of course, the replica is not perfect. The actual ship is apparently only 14 meters long but all the interior version of the craft that I could find distinctly showed it being allot larger than that. Which seems the norm in Star Trek (the insides being bigger than the outside... I smell Time Lord tech).

    Also I should note that this craft was designed for its looks and not its functionality; although it is equipped to handle Isanths. It's primary and only weaponry is six cannons, three on each wing. Each cannon separately deals about 350 damage per shot. Which gives about 2100 damage per 0.7 seconds. This isn't majorly impressive but the ship being very maneuverable and in a large squadron of them, can result in some major damage to enemy ships. I just suggest keeping your ship flat to your enemies and sideways to their cannons (suggesting their weapons are laid on like an Isanth's), keeping their bullets from hitting your hull straight on.

    Nevertheless, here are some screenshots of it!

    Also that station that appeared above can be found here:

    The ship itself is included in that version of the station.
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