Pellion Escort

    Pellion Escort 2015-03-08

    The escort class ship fills the gap between frigates and fighters, carrying a hefty payload of weapons and finding a good nitch between armor and speed. Escorts are equipped with four forward facing armor piercing auto cannons, two forward ion beams and a nine cannon broadside on both port and starboard. And on top of they they are carrying six AMS turrets on deck.

    The broadside cannon are a tad bit of a confusing system, as default the ship will spawn with the broadsides hooked up to the hot bar, this enables a solo pilot to lock on and fire the missiles at the enemy with ease. However I allowed the option to hook the broadsides up to a logic circuit that will allow for a Gunnery officer to fire the cannons manually with a single button press.

    The logic connected broadside has a cooler effect to it with staggered cannon fire like an actual broadside would, each side also has a light bar near the firing switch that will show the gunnery officer when the cannons have been reloaded and are ready to fire again.

    To swap between the two firing types is easy, just follow the prewritten out instruction by the firing switches at the end of the gunnery deck

    If you enjoyed this ship please leave a comment and a rating, I always love to see feed back, both good and bad, as a builders that's how we get better.
    If your interested in seeing more builds please check me out on deviantArt, there I upload step by step images of my builds and give you a full tour of some of my creations, I also explain the lore and reason behind ships and the factions they belong to. Thank you and have a fantastic day.

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    4.67 star(s) 3 ratings

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    (+1) This ship has a unique design that really gets my nostalgia for treasure planet, I do hope for more of these designs in the future.

    (-1) The bottom fin at the back does however ruin some of it for me, it sticks out like a sore thumb so much that most of the time I cut it off.

    (+2) The features are amazing, broadside cannons, a working plank and raise able sails! however the sails don't go have that big puffy feel at the front which is bad, but doesn't ruin it.

    (+1) The weapons are great, I love the turrets and the cannon colors so much, however I do sometimes find the broadsides to be a bit weak sometimes.

    Over all, this ship reminded me of Treasure planet so much I re watched it.

    Love this feed back, many thank yous! and yea I'm not to impressed with the sails myself, more specifically the fore most sail, but I sat for about an entire day and tried to get the curves and right billow to work for me and I failed, after some time of practice I hope my sail making ability will improve to where I can fix that =D

    And as for the keel, I am a little sad to hear that its not well received, I personally really enjoy it and thought it made the design much less like a generic ship and more of a embellished and exaggerated work of art (more or less) In future designs I may work on blending it more so with the rest of the ship or hack it off all together, but for the most part its here to stay =P

    just awesome
    Thank you ^^
    incredible ship, Love it
    Thank you very much =)