Now this is what I call a mothership! However something this big has to have some sort of minimum requirements like 32 GB of overclocked ram with an Intel i7 Extreme Edition @ 4.5 GHZ with liquid cooling and quad bridged ATI or Nvidia 3 GB Graphics Cards and a 1800 Watt Redundant Server Power Supply for it not to crash StarMade while it is trying to render this ship. However judging by the pictures a mothership of this size would have taken ten's of thousands man hours for a team of 75 to do. However, with a big faction of players the amount of time it would have taken would be effectively cut in half or even more. But if this was done by one person the amount of time it would have taken to make this just blows my mind. Though I give it 9000/5 stars for how huge this ship is, and the detail that was put into it. I hope to see more ships that take this much passion in the future.