NDS - Raytheon Triplex AMS V1G1

    NDS - Raytheon Triplex AMS V1G1 2016-11-09

    Fantastic design and implementation.
    Really cool design, can't really seem to figure it out though. Bits are attached in weird places and the AI won't fire some of the guns :/
    The turret is designed to take aim at missiles by default, the dumbfire pods will fire if an enemy ship lines up within a 30 degree cone of their line of sight if and when the ams rotates past one, they will autofire when that happens, the vertical launch missiles only trigger when an astronaut enters the field during EVA, that constitutes the third use of the weapon. Ive gotten all systems to work in succession by taking on a small dumbfire wielding fighter and subsequently killing its missiles, countering with the dumbfires and when he got kicked out of his core the missiles finished the job. I hope this explains the use of the turrets intricate method of assembly. Docked weapons are the future, they will work independant from the main ship and allow you to exploit another 2m e/s reactor softcap in essence making them act to no detriment to the main ship. Thank you for rating