

    but add mp3 compat please
    Awesome but for some reason i cant access volume control, i looked at a previous review where someone had the same problem, but i dont know what you mean by OS
    OS is short for Operating System[if you don't know what that means your OS is most likely windows]. In most cases this can be fixed by unmuting Java in the OS's volume controls.
    It says that it can't access the volume control. What's going on?
    most likely the OS has muted java. Access the OS's audio manager/controller and unmute it, that should fix it.
    Nice mod. Perfect with Audacity to edit your music and convert the mp3 to .ogg, that permit to equlize your music aswell.
    dude this is awesome!
    with this I was able to do the Impossible! (Seeing the Invisible and fighting the power to be added later) by Adding Starbound music to Starmade!

    in all seriousness though its a fantastic Mod. Had to convert my all of my music in to .wav in order for them to work but its works beautifully . I very much await mp3 support in the future!
    I am sorry to disappoint, but mp3 support won't become a thing, with linux being a possible exception(use of an external program)
    Mp3 as a format is copyrighted and patented, I can't do much against that, nor am I willing to.
    It made it where starmade can't be started on my computer. I have Windows 8.1 and after installing this, it says that now it can't run the app.
    Are you using steam? steam might prevent starmade being run due to a not met hashsum.
    finally... tunes in the background not silence or engine hum. It gets hard working on a ship listening to nothing. Sleep tends to kick in at the wrong times. Awesome Job.
    The fact it plays at connection setup is something i like. it gets me into the game mindset before the server even loads my client.
    I never thought of that effect.
    Very good now that it is working correctly!
    You Sir, are awesome. I salute you.
    Ze best of ze best
    Awesome mod mate! Well done, now to convert more of my music to .wav files..

    Best thing evah. <3