MORGON 2016-02-16

    nom nom nom nom nom nom nom
    ^the sounds this 'nid makes

    so yeah basically after being rudely awoken this morning I ended up building this, another tyranid. (#stillworkingonhiveship)

    the idea behind this tyranid is to be supported by quite a lot of smaller tyranids and tyranid combat creatures, however it can still tank plenty of shots and cannot be damaged by a single enemy MORGON thanks to its impressive shield recharge rates.
    a tactic that will be used by this is for a vanguard fleet to invade an opposing planet, then reinforcements will be called to attain control of the planet sector, then this will be called in with its very fast jump drive from very far away to eat the planet, then be sent back very far away where the resources gained can be used. (hoping on fleets to be able to do this)

    plenty of storage to hold an entire planet, or two
    OP shields
    OP jump drives
    tyranid bioness
    tentacles (if you are a cute anime girl, keep away)
    missiles for a bit of attack here and there
    salvagers that are quite fun to use as it would turn out

    and as nearly always PICTURES
    yep that's a face only I or a mother could love
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    1. blah blah blah

      just a small systems update, nothing much only its a lot more powerful now

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    Awesome! Found this through Jake_Lancia's projected and thought, man I have to check this one out.