LSPC G2 Level 1 turret’s

    LSPC G2 Level 1 turret’s 2019-08-24

    Game version


    At long last all my turrets and variants are complete and starting off the new series we have the smallest of the defense turrets the light turrets level 1 series. Being the smallest of the turrets the L1’s are intended to engage light attack craft ( shuttle, drones, and fighters) packing a decent punch for its size they can easily knock out shield systems of small craft and chew through basic and standard armor but will struggle with advanced armor. The turrets themselves are very well protected binge nearly entirely encapsulated by a shell of advanced armor with merely a small slit to allow the barrel to target, despite this the turrets can elevate up too 90 degrees without restrictions giving the turrets near 360 degrees of fire protection. The Light level 1’s were made to be small and modular and can be mounted on corvettes or even on craft as small as heavy fighters to shoe away enemy’s attacking from the rear, or be mounted on batteries much like these and stack possible dozens of such weapons on capital ship’s to give excellent fighter and drone protection.

    Capture l1 1.PNG

    There are three variants available for the L1’s a rapid-fire variant, a swarm missile variant, and a beam variant each well suited for customizable defense against drone swarms. This completes this small entry of turrets with far more and far bigger to come so pleas download and enjoy these little toys. Capture.PNG Capture.PNG
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