Leopard Class Corvette

    Leopard Class Corvette v0.203.105

    The Missiles turrets are ineffective. They do far too little damage. The ships shields and weapons were unable to defeat pirate stations.

    In a side by side comparison to other corvette with similar reactor size, this ship has far lower combat effectiveness.

    The ship is indeed fast.

    The shape is unique but it is still rather blocky.

    The ship has no faction block, which is a big problem.

    There are 100 more stabilizers than the ship needs.

    Thrusters pods are cool
    this ship isn't really meant to go up against pirate stations. The leopard is more of a long-range attack ship meant to destroy other lightly armed/armored combat ships, unguarded cargo ships, or help harass capital ships alongside large vessels with more damage. Thank you for pointing out the lack of a faction block though, i'll include it then update it.