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    LEGO Life on Mars Solar Explorer 1

    Game version
    This is the human space shuttle in the LEGO Life on Mars sets for the human mission to Mars. I added a fuel tank and boosters in the full version; they are docked. Unfortunately, that also means they don't do anything for the main vessel and are more for RPG than actually functional. The Orbiter file is the ship itself as seen in LEGO. I made it larger to actually fit the full crew. I didn't add too much function, but then again, this ship wouldn't have too much anyway. Also, the interior of the cockpit is left semi undone because to add in everything properly, it made it so you couldn't get through it. I did, however add in the T3-Trike in a folded position, the disassembled Monojet, and the little mini-rover. (The last one is rather pathetic-looking because it is too small to really do justice with this game)

    Anyway, I hope this brings some nostalgic memories to some of you. This is my first fully finished vessel. Most of my other ones are so massive I don't know when I'll finish them. I may make some Martian craft, but they didn't really have space ships in the sets. I might add in the UFO sets. We'll see.
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    Reactions: Celotown777
    Fell Skyhawk
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