Larger Thruster Plumes

    Larger Thruster Plumes 1.2

    Very, very good, it is an excellent addition to starmade and most probably the best visual mod currently available.
    Oh my GOD! We need this in the vanilla! ASAP! @schema plz be reasonable and implement! It's not a shame to bring mods to the default game, Minecraft and KSP did it too!
    dear lord! default pleaseee
    Seriously the best mod yet. And yes this is default material for sure. Thanks for making my life better haha
    10/10 Would corrupt my main game to have this. This needs to be vanilla. schema pls
    Looks really bloody fantastic!

    Personally, I would have it be visible at lower speeds as well, It doesn't show up until I hit around 170. Not sure if this is intended or not.
    should be default
    My god, these are amazing. It's the next best thing to scaling plumes :D

    ...Now if only we could get some lens flare in there, a la EvE Online.
    Thrusterier thrusters! Finally, a mod that makes me *want* to not cover my engines.
    nice work. 10/5