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    Its a blue Christmas ship, it has intense firepower and a lot of Shield and armor. It uses missiles+damage beam+overdrive effect. And for secondary it uses cannon+cannon for cover fire. I use the secondary to drain the Shield/destroy weapons while using the missiles to open the armor of the hostile ship.

    The interior is very small, and the design for the interior is very lacking because i tried making this ship as efficient as possible. So it kind of trades interior for extra performance, but you can always decorate colors, add different props, decorations or blocks.


    Many Pictures showing the whole ship: 20171210192320_1.jpg 20171210192403_1.jpg 20171210192328_1.jpg 20171210192310_1.jpg 20171210192337_1.jpg 20171210192343_1.jpg 20171210192347_1.jpg 20171210192351_1.jpg
    First release
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    3.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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    I like the concept but this execution is lacking:

    1) Try wedging your ship out it makes a huge difference, in terms of quality improvement this has the biggest but it is more tedious fortunately its easy to learn and in little time your ships could look much better

    2) Use a variety of blocks in your builds monotone ships dont stand out as well as those using many colours block types to their advantage Eg. slabs, pipes, light rods and metal meshes for a build employing this look to

    3) 3d use different layers to add detail rather than replacing some blocks with those of another colour like with this ship
    Thank you, i will improve. I actually forgot to add curves and shapes and make it more soothing, but when i uploaded i thought it was okay and that i would just do it on my NeXT ship.