SRSF - Jackel Class Fighter

    SRSF - Jackel Class Fighter Mk2

    With the addition of slabs comes some promising new ways to detail large ships but also make small ships not look crap.

    An answer to the SRSI Coke class fighter by fire219; the Jackel comes with jump drive, radar jammer, salvage beam, 66% Cannon-Cannon main guns and a wireless logic dual missile launcher.

    It is jump capable but recommended for only short trips two and from established bases as the onboard power can take 2-4 minutes to charge the jump core alone. It's best to charge the drives before leaving the base's dock. Radar jamming uses enough power to discourage any gun play while avoiding lock on missiles. The salvage beam is extremely minimalist to encourage cherry picking your salvage targets. The cannon refire rate is good but the cannons themselves are weak and only any use against similarly armored targets. The base Jackel fighter uses simple hull to keep the frame light and the thrust to mass ratio in check.

    Each missile pod is mounted under the lateral fins which house shielding and power. The missiles are dumb fires and are mounted as close to the ship's camera as possible to make aiming simple. An unreleased enhanced version (shown above in both images) allows the pods to detach in flight to act as warhead enabled torpedo pods. The final version omits this feature to keep pilots from accidentally blowing themselves up over a bad stunt.

    As a caveat to the small design the canopy must be opened and the shipcore entered. There's not enough room to seat the player character. Once in the shipcore the canopy can be closed by pressing R in build mode over the space where the canopy was before having entered. Future versions hope to work around this issue.
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