I really like the design and the versatility built into it. It makes a good auxiliary craft to fit to a larger vessel. You picked a good color palette and ensured it has lots of details. The central wheel part is indeed a nice touch but could use some details of it's own that could for instance make it a "shield emitter" or some such.
There are a couple things that worry me about it's use. For one, having the reactor right up front at the nose of the craft leaves it vulnerable, especially from return fire from its targets. The rail docker location is a bit odd and not many craft have hangars fit to handle it in that configuration unless they have extra rails on the walls, for instance. It's also missing one extra element that would boost it's utility; an astromech unit to allow it to act as a repair unit for a parent craft. But then I only say that because I see it's combination of modules already as kind of unusual and especially fit for a utility auxiliary. Maybe a second variant with an astromech?
Visually, the only thing that bugs me is the vertical stabilizers on either side of the wheel; if they had wedges or slabs to give them a smoother slope, they'd be a lot more attractive. Same could go for the glass/forcefield blocks; using 1/4 wedges would make those ridges less jarring and the appearance overall a little smoother.
All in all a solid build and I like it