ITI Igneous

    ITI Igneous 2015-09-01

    A large research ship with a good interior, a well thought through bridge that for some reason took the longest, big engines, containment chambers, dock, labs, etc.
    Note: WIP the dock wasnt correctly made, the jump drive may or may not work, and theres an emtpy space in there too, but thats just an area you can put stuff in.
    +Smells of rich people
    Also, no images here sadly because they were too large files ._.

    no rates yet? ;-;
    First release
    Last update
    2.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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    Latest reviews

    Yea sorry but just overall not that impressive, not particularly pretty and the interior is just empty. no chairs or screens, there is so much you could have done with this ship that you just didn't.