The Iskir, a relatively new space-borne race similiar to the Scavs only with an even lower level of tech, this collection contains 5 less-small ships suitable for RP purposes or even PVP if you use a lot of them.
Meet the older siblings of the Iskir minifleet:
First off we have the Interceptor, a moderately fast ship designed too strike at the farthest possible range before closeing in too bring more weapons to bear:
The Iskir advance does exactly what it says on the tin, its an advance scout vessel with a high TWR and a single large cannon:
Prospector miners are the most common mining ships in the Iskir fleet slowly grinding away at asteroids to retrive the mineral wealth held within:
Beam Destroyers function as mobile siege weapons mounting a single huge spinal cannon for bombarding exceeidingly large or stationary targets:
Finally the Youn Freigher, though far larger than her smaller cousin the cargo catch she is equally defenceless with almost no shields too speak of, her cargo of six heavy duty containers would make a fine prize for any pirates able too overcome her escort:
Meet the older siblings of the Iskir minifleet:
First off we have the Interceptor, a moderately fast ship designed too strike at the farthest possible range before closeing in too bring more weapons to bear:
The Iskir advance does exactly what it says on the tin, its an advance scout vessel with a high TWR and a single large cannon:
Prospector miners are the most common mining ships in the Iskir fleet slowly grinding away at asteroids to retrive the mineral wealth held within:
Beam Destroyers function as mobile siege weapons mounting a single huge spinal cannon for bombarding exceeidingly large or stationary targets:
Finally the Youn Freigher, though far larger than her smaller cousin the cargo catch she is equally defenceless with almost no shields too speak of, her cargo of six heavy duty containers would make a fine prize for any pirates able too overcome her escort: