Helghast Overloard Dropship

    Helghast Overloard Dropship 2015-12-09

    Second ship in the helghast fleet line. This time I give you a recreation of the Overlord Drop ship from killzone 2 and 3. The Overlord Drop ship was used to transport a squad of helghast infantry to their destinations. I have tried my best to recreate the ship as best I could to the original ship, minus the decals on the sides. The side doors can open up to expose the interior for troop boarding and dismounting. The hatch can be opened from the outside with an activation module on the rear of the drop ship, and can also be opened when in the core. This is ment to be an RP ship however the interior troop mounts can be removed to hold cargo if needed.

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    Reactions: RoyalWolfe
    First release
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    5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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    1. Fixed landing gear

      Noticed that the landing system was too low for the dropship to dock properly. it has been fixed now

    Latest reviews

    Awesome job and nicely done!
    Thanks man glad you enjoy it :)