Heavy orbital defence turret (Missile array)

    Heavy orbital defence turret (Missile array) 2.2

    XD hehe, Gonna have fun vlasting Pirates in the face
    Amazing! This looks great orbiting my artificial planet! Though I hope it does pack a punch (didn't see the tiny note on the bottom till after I bought this -_- xD)
    Dont worry over half of the thing is one big gun
    I'll write down the stats sometime today but I can tell you it does about 800k damage per shot and the small turrets seem pretty effective too.
    How did you make the plates rotate?
    XD I didnt, its just a bit of lore.
    I wrote the post like I was trying to sell the thing for rich emporiums or something like that.
    That's one of the sleekest and most elegant ship I've ever seen. I absolutely love the entire shape, detail, color scheme (everything, basically). It also has that unconventional feel to it, which is amazing.

    All in all, great job!!!