Halo C709 Longsword

    Halo C709 Longsword v0.200.335

    Game version
    1:1 scale (give or take 500mm)

    Built to the Halo Combat Evolved/Halo Custom Edition design of the C709 Longsword Interceptor.

    *Changed from "H Grey Hull" to "S Grey Hull" minus the "tail fin"
    *Modified Nose, "neck" hull
    *Modified "Entry Ramp"
    *Modified Engine "nozzle"
    *Modified wing hull connection to accomodate power sausage
    *Modified wingtip nav lights
    *Removed Engine lights in favour of Ice+Thruster plume
    *New power system in place (no weapons as weapon update is inbound. Will redo power when weapon overhaul drops)
    *Scrapped interiour for new one
    *Exchanged "Red lights" for "Green lights" in cockpit
    *Single Activation Module for "Red Alert"

    Has: "Red Alert", exterior lights toggle, Halo CE interior, "shoulder" doors.

    *Blocks: 6, 296
    *Mass: 1, 060.9
    * Width(X): 75m
    *Height(Y): 13m
    *Length(Z): 65m

    *Reactor(max HP): 5, 810
    *Armour(max HP): 405, 675

    *Integrity: 61 (0K)
    *Recharge(e/sec): 5, 390
    *Stabilization: 100%

    *Thrust: 2, 838.5
    *Max Speed: 225.0 (potentially different as I edited my max speed in my server.cfg)
    *Thrust/Mass Ratio: 2.5
    *Turning Speed: 0.7, 0.6, 0.8
    *Integrity 480

    Has: red alert, navigation light (toggleable), cockpit, side doors for EVA entry, nose entry (as seen in halo 1)

    Dimensions: Length 65m, Hight 13m, Width 75m
    Armament: Missiles and, Antimatter Cannons
    Armour: Hardened Grey Hull/Hardened Black Hull

    No shields

    Uploaded build version: v0.199.253a

    Have a good one.
    First release
    Last update
    3.50 star(s) 2 ratings

    More resources from _Scooter98_

    Latest updates

    1. Update 1/7/18

      Update to the Longsword. Details/pictures are in the post. Have fun
    2. slight changes

      removed extruding amc and missile barrels slightly reshaped top hull added extra power recharge...

    Latest reviews

    Use more slabs, improve interior, overall fairly average.
    Easily my favorite Halo Longsword build. Not fond of the protruding cannons and missiles.

    Poor stats due to bad power reactor setup.