Galileo Runabout Class (Danube Replica)

    Galileo Runabout Class (Danube Replica) 2015-06-10

    This is a replica of the Danube Runabout that made several appearances throughout the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine series.

    It has two weaponry, although it was definitely built for ferrying and exploring over combat. But nevertheless there is a primary Phaser Beam Array and a Photon Torpedo Bay, all forward.

    It should also note that do to the outer hull being made of Advanced Armor, it is slightly expensive. But the advanced armor was necessary for ensuring the ships survivability in hostile situations with only a 1 block thick wall.

    The ship is about the exact same size as the real thing although the interior is far more confined as it was difficult to build with 1x1x1 blocks and not flat/hollow walls and such.

    Here is some more images:

    See ya space!
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