Frontier Class Scout

    Frontier Class Scout 2017-11-30

    It is ok for a start, but it really doesn't do anything...

    -1 star for no attempt at wedging whatsoever. Wedging this ship would at least make it look somewhat respectable, although still very simple.

    -1 star for blandness. You should try adding some details, even just throwing in some collered hull on certain areas, as it would make it unique

    -1 star for construction. The power system is far from optimal. You should not place power blocks if they do not increase the dimension of the reactor in a direction

    However, it does fly, and it does have enough power to be retrofitted with a small jumpdrive or weapon. 2 stars for that.

    Keep working on your ships, but remember to put more into the detail to make it catch your ally's eye, or strike fear into your opponents :)
    thanks for the suggestions ill keep those in mind when designing future ships