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    Factory Base 2015-03-09

    This is for the people who want to have a fast and convenient way for crafting materials. The factory has automated lines for all hull/armor, weapons, modules, tools, systems, lights, logic, and some cosmetic items controlled from a central command deck. It is however completely lacking any exterior as i'm planning on doing a faction specific exterior, but figured people might still want to have the factory stuff all set up and ready to go.

    Features & Overview

    - Self-organizing inventory: Dump ores in the main input and the factory does the rest. Ship components the factory produces can also be dropped here and will be sorted into the output storage.

    - Switch production on and off using logic panels: The control deck lets you change production for every production line in the factory. Just remember the lines are not atomic; if you aren't making hull you can't make standard armor unless its in storage.

    - Low Cost blueprint: Relatively speaking that is. It's 130k mass, but mostly cheap blocks like reactors, capacitors, factory enhancers and grey hull.

    How to modify and extend

    Adding additional control points:
    The logic lines are doubly-linked activator blocks. If you want to have additional places to turn them off, simply add another activation block and link it both ways to any other activation block in the line. Double linking is only necessary if you want multiple control points, otherwise one-way links are fine.

    Increasing production speed:
    Just add more factory enhancers to the line you want to work faster.

    Adding/moving factory components:
    In addition to connecting the logic, make sure to connect the factory to the relevant inventories for the materials it needs, as well as connecting the relevant inventory for the finished product to the factory for extraction. It is also highly recommended that you connect the inventories the factory is taking materials from to the factory. That way a factory needing components A and B wont suck up all your A without making anything when B is missing.
    First release
    Last update
    4.75 star(s) 4 ratings

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    Latest reviews

    Excellent. Wonderful. Perfect.

    Only problems: spawns with a few tricky errors, like varat charged circuit being linked only one way. There's a whole control panel missing the things it produces. A few other glitches that can be ironed out with time and patience. About 1/100000th the time it would take to make it from scratch.

    Thank you for this.
    nice work
    Setting the first factory when you have low block count is hard work and tedious. This is a great working base for producing anything. The command pannel is great and very handy
    I'm glad you did this, a factory base is something quite rare in the community content. would love to see a finished/polished version though.
    I figured a lot of people would want their factories to reflect their own factions, so this is just a starting setup to work off. I'll probably upload my own version of a finished one later, but i know a lot of people are really good at making cosmetic builds, but don't care for setting up something like this. p: