ESF VT69-H Khepri

    ESF VT69-H Khepri MkXX

    Thank you, buy far the best ship I have downloaded got even better love it keep it up.
    Thanks a lot C: . Glad to see that you like how it turned out and that its still kind of a "round" thing even after the adjustments I made over time.
    Wonderful ship - great looking, great performance, great interior.

    Just got a whole load of wasted space inside one of the cylinders at the side which I feel could be used.

    Turrets look nice, and jump ship great fun.
    Thanks a lot. :) This ship is my favorite and it went rhough a lot of updating. As for the empy space you are right. for the "J" I had to cut off some of the rear so i culd have stuffed some more power and shields in there.