DSY Inc. Type-I Stinger

    DSY Inc. Type-I Stinger 1.0189997

    Great ship. you know your giant vertical ship> it kinda looks like a mini that. great work man. these would be hard to kill with. even with a fighter. because it can go overdrive! so fast and deadly
    well but it is the older ship... i thought about building the fleet from the small up to the big ones. but yes today i parked it right next to the big one :)
    nice looking ship
    Thank you man :)
    WOW! i really like this design. It has tons of options in terms of firepower for such a small ship. A lot of thought went into this.

    Cant wait for the rest of the fleet ;)
    Thanks for the review :) and yes now even more thought went into the refit :)
    a vertical ship?! That's also a fighter?!?! what more can i say..
    +1 Stealthy ship i would turn away if i fought it.
    +1 it's a vertical ship although small it is a welcome change
    +1 an actually good looking fighter!?! Madness!
    +1 for pretty engines
    -1/+1 for exposed systems

    Very nice ship Drakkart i would LOVE to see a bomber or some kind of larger ship.
    i am actually building an entire fleet :) one ship coming after the other :) i thought the small drones would be too boring for a second release so the light fighter first ... still working on the bomber though. ;) next coming up might be a Troop transport :).
    Thank you very much for the review man!

    The exposed systems are - well that thing is build to race through battle with the overdrive on so the engineers just thought to themselves well it hardly will be hit from the back then...