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    Derelict Repair Depot v0.9

    Current lighting updates are incompatible with my videocard, depot has been set to what I THINK is a valid lights-off preboot state.

    Astronaught entrance near airlock MAY have an entrance issue please test
    Interior work:
    -added windows, all areas
    -build block now on 2nd floor, "computer room"
    -removed WIP shop 3rd floor
    -removed WIP faction 3rd floor
    -added gravity tubes, trasition, 2nd&3rd floor
    -"paint factory" to 3rd floor,
    -Logic boot added from airlock.
    -reworked observaton deck and airlock area

    Planned for 0.9: ***release date whenever signs save correctly***
    -set pre-logic boot states for doors and lights to reflect "power-saver" mode
    -misc surface detailing
    -logic boot sanity check
    -grill cleanup
    -overgrown bio-vats, one breached
    -creepy intermittent lighting
    -inner airlock door with semi-random open/close
    An automated astrotechnition array lies abandoned in space. There is a small dock, obviously for service personnel. Whoever built it, the fine coating of dust tells of it's age.

    Surprisingly, your sensors indicate it is still (mostly) functional.

    v 0.6 stats:
    -Timer logic now kick-starts when AOE tripped (ty psteiner for making me realize timer states don't auto-start)
    -power system now in line with requirements (again, ty psteiner)
    -logic now has labels via display blocks
    -functional area effect logic triggered astrotecnobeam, with auto shut-down.
    -visual timer indicators
    -Fly into the arch, start getting healed.
    -improved shielding
    -partially finished interior
    -Plaque with epic personal slogan:
    "Square peg? Round hole? Bigger hammer."