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    Derelict Repair Depot v0.9

    the lights on but nobodys home
    i wonder who built it and where they are right now
    are they dead? did they die from their own creations? did they abandon ship from something else?
    Yeah, I've died from my own creations a few times. Ton't unfection an active boby-AI drone when you're hostile to neutrals....
    Have mostly abandoned ship, least till the laws of the universe stop being in too much flux.
    I love the idea but I don't understand how to activate it :-/
    it SHOULD just turn "on" whenever an object or player moves through the center of the "C" where the area triggers are. Is it not working that way for you?
    This is definitely the kind of thing I would love to find. Simply amazing.
    A really amazing idea. Thought thats about all I find this has going for it at the moment. Here are the Issues I have with it.

    1) Logic blocks are readily Visible
    2) Logic is a bit glitchy
    3) There is no station interior
    I thank you for these critiques, please elaborate on #1 and #2.
    Your feedback is greatly appreciated
    Great Concept! And it works for me! I love the idea!
    I liked the design, but there are a few technical issues that need to be a addressed. First, you need to provide a few power tanks, and you need to make the logic activation block fully accessible. I had to tear a hole in the hull to get to it. And why is there a huge hunk of ice in the center? -your puzzled critiquer
    Thanks for your feedback!
    -I have addressed the power issues
    -The logic blocks that matter should be accesable untill v1.0 after which they will be bricked-in with sheilds or yhole(because MRF needs more yhole)
    -there is NO ice anywhere on this station, do you mean the area trigger blocks in the center of the "C"?

    Please download the new version, and tell me what you find :)
    I like the original thought in this idea and hope to see this one considered