Denizen class Gunship

    Denizen class Gunship 1.0

    Loaded with 4 twin linked cannon turrets, 4 long range missile turrets, 8 AMS turrets, 6 individual ion/pulse cannons and a powerful explosive beam array, the Denizen compensates for its slow speed with its heavy and versatile weaponry. Designed primarily to defend fixed positions, though features a substantial jump drive and scanning array allowing it to function for patrol and escort missions. The Denizen also features a full advanced armour hull, 2,000,000 shields and a 60% ion defensive system, allowing it to take some punishment.

    The Denizen is an older ship (approximately from the weapons overhaul update), relatively hastily refitted to make use of recent advancements, so some aspects such as its thrust don't really hold up. It does, however, serve its function well and is even decent at punching above its own weight.

    Mass: 23,889.5 (177,449 blocks) (26,874.4 w/ rail)
    L: 127, H: 29, W: 135
    Power: 7,542,256.4 (2,930,066.4 e/sec)
    Thrust: 17,397.4 (max speed 87.9 m/sec)
    Turning: 0.2,0.2,0.2
    Shields: 2,002,840.2 (7,562 s/sec)

    Structure HP: 11,769,590
    Amour HP: 4,789,875
    Damage penalty: 1.4

    First release
    Last update
    5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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    Latest reviews

    My brother and I were quite impressed with this. Really like the design and turrets. We spawned in one of our ships as a a pirate and it melted...