DBY-827 Heavy Turbolaser Turret

    DBY-827 Heavy Turbolaser Turret 1.0

    Game version
    Power 2.0; Quickfire etc.
    Lore: The DBY-827 Turbolaser Turret was manufactured by Taim & Bak and was used by the Grand Army of the Republic on their Venator-class Star Destroyers during the Clone wars. These turrets were used for ship-to-ship combat and planetary bombardments, and featured fast rotation speeds, powerful sensor arrays and large power capacitors to efficiently track and eliminate fast, small interceptors and capital ships alike.

    I created this turret after I downloaded SkylordLuke's Venator, and realised that it did not have any turrets docked to it. I felt that the Venator wasn't really complete without these turrets, and so, grabbing an image or two off the internet, I decided to get to work fixing this problem.

    Due to the size and aesthetic limitations, this turret is mostly for show outside of a weak AMS system. However, I have kept as true to the source material as possible whilst also staying to scale with SkylordLuke's Resolution Star Destroyer on which I built and photographed the turret on - all credit for the Venator itself goes to him. As such, this turret is designed for this particular ship, however should still fill the need for any star-wars-esque capital ship which isn't bothered by underpowered turrets.

    - cannon/cannon setup with 28 cannons
    - Length: 14; Width: 9; Height: 6
    - Fully self-powered
    - full turret rotation
    - Green cannon bolts (possibly should be blue)
    - Faction and AI module
    - NO camera - can't be manually aimed from inside turret

    Turrets lined up on the Venator

    Close Up of docked turret

    Front view

    Side view

    Top view

    Oblique view - also demonstrating where the turret 'hinges' are

    GIF of how to access internals of the turret

    Source material


    Hope you like it and let me know what you think :)
    First release
    Last update
    0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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