Coordinator Cruiser

    Coordinator Cruiser 2015-10-20

    Mass 522,241.094 (Blocks 5,031,005) [total /w rail: 613753.5]
    Length: 599m, Height: 295m(313m w/ Ring), Width: 295m(313m w/ Ring) Power: 1,006,673,976.4 (30,007,224.9 e/sec)
    Thrust: 615,244: PowerCons 819813.0; (blocks: 819813)
    TurningSpeed: X-Axis 1.0, Y-Axis: 1.0 Z-Axis 1.0
    Shields: 100,113,262 (250,178 s/sec)

    Many moving parts:
    Elevator and trams.
    Cargo/hangar doors.
    Rotating Ring, engine components and Satellite dish
    A "Combat mode" Guns, Missile pods, turrets come out of the ship to "play"

    Main Arsenal:
    6 Cannon + Cannon + Overdrive Dealing 100K+ dmg each per shot
    1 Laser + Laser + Overdrive Dealing 25-30 Million Damage
    2 Sets of Nukes (Missile + Missile) to finish off shieldless enemies
    1 Anti Fighter(originally planned as but are so powerful they work
    great on caps too) Swarm curtain cumming out both sides of the ring

    26 Point defense turrets (all over)
    3 Large Cannon turrets (1 on each side of bridge. 1 on the back)
    1 Medium-Large Machine-cannon (front and center)
    2 Swarm Missile Turrets (Bottom of the ship)
    8 Anti-Fighter Laser turrets (retracted, 4 top, 4 bottom)

    Docked ships:
    1 Gunboat (Forward most Hanger)
    2 Fighter/Bombers ( 1 each side of Hangar)
    4 Shuttles (come out the back end)
    Note: all Hangar Doors opens/closes automatically when corresponding ship undocks/docks

    Complete Imgur Gallery:
    First release
    Last update
    5.00 star(s) 4 ratings

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    Latest reviews

    I really enjoyed exploring this ship and the practical applications of logic is impressive. Extremely well done and definitely worth your time to get to know this ship.
    Holy *$&# this thing is awesome! I would throw away the freaking earth to live in this thing, lol. It is awesome!
    Sweet baby Jesus, this ship is so freakin' amazing I was feeling like a 13-year-old fangirl at a One Direction concert, despite being a 28-year-old guy who's into progressive metal. The only 2 possible flaws I can mention are the abysmal shield regen rate (it takes 400 seconds to recharge to full from being dropped - that's more than 6 and a half minutes, out of combat) and the fact I'll never be able to ever spawn this in a survival environment.
    from experience I've never seen a another ship comparable in size have that much shield. and regen count's for naught during combat.

    My logic behind it is that unless you are getting hounded i won't be an issue.

    That being said
    Still a decent amount of empty space in there to fill up. (5-10%)

    I modified it a bit recently (filled up some of the space) and managed to double shield regen, increase Energy regen by 5 mil/sec and increased thrust to keep a 1.1 ratio

    Planning to release an update once i got it all filled be i need to balance it all.

    considering I want to keep a 1.1 thrust/mass ratio and a functional radar jammer it gets a bit finicky filling it up and keeping it the way i want it.
    very nice