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    Clouds 1.0

    Game version
    Modified Clouds to work in StarMade 0.203.108


    Original build by jontyfreack of clouds.

    Clouds is an old alternative build used as a point of reflexion. It acts as a station on a map but there are no systems. It is like a floating island in space and I hoped for a long time that planets in StarMade would be like this.

    It will work as original created by jontyfreack even to this day in StarMade 0.203.108 But I decided to use it to combine it with other builds as special place in space. Best used as an extra derelict station.

    Two ship types were added:

    A modified HMS Lilac by Mactavish in three colors.

    and a modified Treasure Planet Ship by CW390.

    As an extra derelict station the ships will be usable by the player when found on the map. They are however basicly scrap so the blocks have low hit points but are functional. To convert them into real blocks a price in credits must be paid of all the blocks in the build. You can not buy a single ship you need to pay for all. Be sure to have everything docked to the island if you were to do this.

    To do this go to your StarMade folder and unZip the download file into the \blueprints-stations\neutral folder. The station will then be added to the map when you create a NEW map. Existing maps do not change.

    To use the island yourself unzip the download into the \blueprints folder. The island is then made up of normal blocks.





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