Caldari Mantis: Standard Edition

    Caldari Mantis: Standard Edition 1.0

    Today I am releasing the Caldari Mantis. It is a fighter bomber meant to take on large ships. They are launched from carriers.

    Here is the video release. You can expect one of these with every ship I post for download.

    Smaller ships will not get many screenshots. Discover them yourselves by downloading them!

    Side by side comparison.

    Ship features Bobby AI Module. Core, faction block,and Bobby AI are protected by realistic hull placement. One missile system with punch through effect.

    All ship information below.

    Note: These ship replicas are designed with accuracy and aesthetics in mind and prioritized. It is entirely possible the systems will be considered "suckish" by you. They will be tested against each other. Some ships have very specific purposes, such as tackling, or exploration. In the future modules will be released, allowing better stats to be "equipped".
    H - 9m
    L - 22m
    W - 25m

    Mass - 99.5

    Turning speed
    X - 1.9
    Y - 3.4
    Z - 2.0

    Thrust - 203.8
    T/M Ratio - 2.05

    1189 capacity
    44 s/sec

    56000.0 capacity
    4738.4 e/sec

    Fitting (modules/equipment)

    1 missile system with piercing effect divided into 2 groups
    14/7 ratio per group.

    EVE related info
    Tech I. No fittings. Drone


    This was created with models pulled directly from EVE online. I take no credit for those models. I do take credit for the finished ship.

    YOU MAY use or refit the ship any way you see fit. Leave feedback! A link back to my channel is appreciated!

    People reposting the ship file or obvious copies on this site without my permission will be reported.
    First release
    Last update
    5.00 star(s) 8 ratings

    More resources from Criss

    Latest reviews

    10/10 Would download again just because.
    very good
    Very nice. I'm looking forward to the big ships are coming out :)
    Great ship, very accurate. As alwasy great work.
    can t wait for bigger ships !
    10/10 best caldari mantis
    Another great release!