Borg Vortex Class

    Borg Vortex Class MK I

    Based on the Borg Sphere design, the Vortex Class is my first vessel to not incorporate a pre-built core. It is part of the SSRV type (turned out a little larger than I'd originally envisioned) and serves to perform the role of Electronic Warfare and Combat Logistics for my Borg fleet.

    The basic idea behind the Vortex was as a fleet support and fighting battles on a technical level, draining enemy ships of their vital energy to leave them weaker against the onslaught of others. At the same time it also serves as a temporary power boost to friendly ships if the need arises, partnering up extremely well with the Invasion Class cube who's AMC Array is so massive it cannot sustain itself in constant fire for very long - the Vortex Class can provide that extra boost in power needed to keep those guns at 100%.

    This sphere is also my first ship that has an interior you can actually walk around in, I designed it as a 100% modifiable vessel. There is enough interior space in the weaponry section to triple the power of any of the offensive systems installed - or if you wished, install an entirely new one yourself. You could also significantly increases the defensive capabilities of the ship by using the free space for more shield modules. The choice is yours, the Vortex class is completely customizable for any combat situation.

    Onto the stats.

    Mass: 3,174.1 (Blocks: 31,741)
    Dimensions: L:43m, H: 43m, W: 45m
    Power: 754,456.6 (213,601.7 e/sec)
    Thrust: 4,964
    Turning Speed: 1.1 on all axis
    Shields: 568,972 (15,300 s/sec)
    AMC Array: 10,631.1 DPS
    Power Drain System: up to 564,000 e/sec
    Power Supply System: up to 208,000 e/sec
    Price: 15,025,650

    For the aesthetics, I ran into a few major problems during the hull design. I didn't anticipate the difficulty of creating a sharp, well defined feature over the constantly shifting dimensional planes of a sphere created in a voxel cube game. My original design immediately went into the trash can after 6 attempts on different vessels to make it look respectable. My Mark II version will have the hull design pre-built into the outer shell as it's constructed to remove the issues I ran into trying to paste it on top after it was finished.

    For now, the Vortex Class is being released with a more basic hull design similar to the Assimilator Class (though I'm really not happy with it, I need to move on), the sphere is a fully functional warship and required no further work than aesthetics. With that in mind, I've decided to move on to bigger more important parts of my Borg project.

    Please remember most importantly, that this fleet I'm creating is for my own personal interpretation of a Borg Collective, and not meant to be 100% canon to the Star Trek series/movies in terms of looks, ship functionality and size - though I will aim to be accurate enough for them to be unmistakably Borg.

    Thanks for reading my wall of text as always! Please take a look at my thread over on the forums to check on my future plans and current status! ^^

    Have some pictures!

    Construction of the shell begins, the abandoned frame at the bottom of the screenshot is my first mathematical failure at calculating the spherical dimensions. I think I'll keep it as a decoration.

    Reactors and weapons systems fitted inside the nearly complete shell, along with the command bridge and airlock walkway.

    A view from the inside of the "central plexus", the doors you can see behind the core console lead into the spacious weapons bay, where plenty of room awaits for any customization you might need for a given situation.

    The completed Vortex Class MK I, floating serenely in space with a few of my other WIP's.
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