Bastion Class Heavy Frigate

    Bastion Class Heavy Frigate v1.0

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    Greetings, Comrades!

    Finally, after a long awaited time, I'm rolling out releases of my first ever production vessels. The first ship to be released is this, the Bastion Class Heavy Frigate.

    Quarter starboard bow


    Quarter starboard stern

    Check it out. They had some of my favorite turrets in the market hub. Oh yeah...

    By all technicalities, this is considered by the ship classification on the starmade wiki as a battleship. A light battleship, but whatever. Even still, it is maneuverable and fast, so it's classification is going in as a frigate.

    The Bastion is meant as a jumping off point for up and coming capital ship pilots. It has a jump drive, a scanner, many many redesigned compact Fury class turrets created by Crimson Corps Fleet Dynamics. It also has it's own dedicated spinally mounted cannon, capable of reducting the shields of it's opponents of equal or smaller mass to the square root of jack (thats zero for those of you who are mathematically challenged).

    Included in the package is a bridge

    For if you're feeling a bit... captainy...

    A barracks

    Complete with latrine (military ship. It's a latrine. There is no bath in there, and you do not rest in it, so it is not a bathroom or a restroom.)

    The captain is expected to sleep and live here, with the rest of the crew. We expect our captains to live (suffer) the same as their crew. There is enough beds here for a gunner for all five batteries of missiles, the captain and two bridge officers. One bridge officer should be trained as a cook, and the other as a medic.

    A chow hall

    Ice cream is served only on special occassions.

    A medical bay

    Unless you have a leg blown off, you won't be in here. Seriously, don't bother the medic with a paper cut, unless you like cleaning blood and mucus off the ceiling...

    A rec room! Complete with big screen and poker table

    Good for showing reruns of Firefly and Star Trek...

    There is also light storage space on port and starboard.

    It should be mentioned that this ship is made for the future, what with quarters coming and AI crewmembers, as well as extra room to expand, should you need it. This is not meant as a luxury ship. It's used for war.

    Shields are a little light, at just over 1 million, however, armor is heavy, at 2.6 million armor points. It has less than a 1:1 thrust ratio, more like 6:10, however, this is still enough for a complete 180 degree turn in under twenty seconds, and a max speed of 235 m/s. The jump drive and scanner charge slow, but not so much that it's agony. I was going to include a jump inhibitor, but you'd be amazed how much power those things take.

    All in all, this ship is made for patrolling your factions space, warding off NPC pirates and small player ships, as well as light raiding and the support role in large fleets. It makes an excellent capital ship training vessel or starter vessel for your faction. They can be built quickly and cause little lag, even in groups.

    In fleet fights, it's designed to be supported by larger more powerful vessels, and used as anti fighter and anti-stealth support firepower. It's excellent at taking on pirate battlestations in small groups (or solo if the pilot is good), and in wolfpacks it can take on much much larger opponents.

    So the Bastion class Heavy Frigate (light battleship). If you're looking for a general workhorse, this is the right ship for you.

    Blitzkrieg Inc is not responsible for lost fights or general harm caused to player for negligence, poor maintenance, or general lack of situational awareness. A wounded pride is not a valid injury. Fury class turret is a registered trademark of Crimson Corp Fleet Dynamics. All problems consistent with the compact Fury Class Turret should be directed at Crimson Corp Fleet Dynamics. Warning, dangerous weapon. Do not point at eyes. Do not intentionally ram into enemies. Leasing of Bastion Class Heavy Frigate subject to credit approval and 2-year contract signing on purchase date. Not available in some dimensions. Limit one per purchase. General statistics subject to change.

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    Insane Randomness
    First release
    Last update
    5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

    Latest reviews

    I absolutely love the style and artistic nature of this ship. The see through bits are amazing. The overall style concept of the ship is just awesome.

    So I put it through it's paces against a ballistics target and a shield target. It's main missile weapon is a slow to recharge lock on missile. It doesn't do too well against these targets with it's main weapon. However this is not a fair contest because it's primary fire power comes from it's 24 turrets.

    It took out 10 Isanths in no time flat good job.

    Constructive criticism:
    The see through bits on the inside make the ship a bit confusing to navigate. Once I tried to walk from one room to the next, and ended up walking into a glass wall. Please don't lessen the see-through-ness, just figure out a way to make navigating within the ship a little less confusing.

    Special note: When they do finally get NPC crews figured out. It'll be fun to watch them walking around. Especially since you will be able to see all the activity from outside the ship.
    Insane Randomness
    Insane Randomness
    Thanks for the review! Glad to here it can tear through Isanths, it's primary role in fleet support IS anti-fighter. I'll look into maybe putting some sort of thin bars accross the windows to define their boundaries.