Babylon 5 Hyperion Heavy Cruiser

    Babylon 5 Hyperion Heavy Cruiser [WIP v2-5]

    Game version
    Babylon 5 Earth Alliance Heavy Cruiser


    starmade-screenshot-0001.png starmade-screenshot-0002.png starmade-screenshot-0003.png starmade-screenshot-0004.png starmade-screenshot-0005.png starmade-screenshot-0035.png

    *Disclaimer! (This build is a work in progress and is no where near complete. There are many issues that still need to be worked out and refined as well as major interior work is still yet to be completed. In no way is this ship yet functional.)

    About the build:

    I have been working on this ship for a very long time, since the original power setup in the game. It has gone through many revisions since then and some aspects of the old systems may still be installed and I have yet to find them. To give scope, this ship was built to scale of its original specs of 1026 meters in length. It's purpose was to provide heavy fire support for the destroyer class ships in this IP and therefore can bring most of its firepower to bare when directly facing its target. Even though it was not designed as a carrier, it still did hold several auxiliary craft. 6 Starfurys and a couple shuttles.

    Why am I releasing this now as a WIP? The answer is simple. I've lost motivation and only pick it up from time to time to do minor work on it. Maybe, someone out there can finish it much faster than I can. Most of the hard stuff is already installed. Or maybe I will find the motivation to finish it myself. In any case, enjoy. It is still a sight to see even though it is not finished inside.
    First release
    Last update
    0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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