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    Automatic Reload System for Self Propellign Torpedos update to MK II

    A relativ simple system to fire Self Propellign torpedos from the inside of bigger ships, the system has also a automatic reload that begins when you close the outer door through pressing the firingswitch again.
    you can also use a inner ship remote instead of the firingswitch.

    you need to place some additional delayblocks, number of delayblocks depends on the size of your torpedo.

    system is endlessly expendable in the lenght and size of the torpedo, add soem rail, make the doors bigger and soem more delays for the reload system, to preveng torpedos crashing in torpedos.

    you need mit 1 block distanz between the tubewall and the warhead or you have a big boom.

    for questions to the build im reacheable over pn or comment and when i was sometimes in chat
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    1. optimizationupdate to MK II version

      a little optimization and reducing of logic to let it flow a little better