ASI Isanth-VI System Shuttle

    ASI Isanth-VI System Shuttle 2.0

    Power 2.0 update of the ASI Isanth-IV System Shuttle.

    Fully reworked and now includes a top speed chamber, jump drive auto charge chamber and a jump drive distance 2 chamber. It flies well and the cargo capacity could be increased by adding more cargo space inside. It could also be converted to a small cargo ship by ripping out the seats and adding more cargo space there.

    One of the USDs has been removed and a single person transporter has been added. The remaining UDS has been redesigned and opens automatically if docked. If closed, simply walking up to the door from the inside will open it. Externally, astronauts will have to open the door manually but the door should close automatically behind them. Navigation lights flash when undocked and the internal lighting switches from flight mode to docked mode.

    Finally, a small rapid fire punch through cannon has been added for basic protection.
