Armored Point Defense Turret

    Armored Point Defense Turret 1.0

    Pretty standard turret. I've seen better, I've seen worse.
    Fairly average AMS turret. Good overall just not very special.
    There is no such thing as an 'above average' AMS turret. Testing reveals that waffleboards, adding shotguns, leading with longer range, etc., do absolutely nothing to increase the effectiveness of AMS systems. Indeed adding extra weapon effects can actually be harmful, as it wars with differing aim point leads.

    Certainly there can be above average turrets with regards to looks, and many AMS turrets are above average from this one in that regard, as I stated in the write up. With regard to looks, yes, average at best. It's job isn't to be pretty. It's job is to stay in the fight and shoot down missiles. In that job, this turret is as good as it gets.

    This turret is above average in two specific regards that in my opinion are extremely important. Virtually every other AMS turret out there will be wiped off of a ship by the tiniest swarmer the instant it is no longer protected by a ship's shields. This turret will not. To take this turret out of action, you'll have to hit with with something very serious, otherwise it will continue to do it's job long after the shields have failed. The same cannot be said for virtually all other AMS turrets.

    Furthermore, this is a ball turret. It cannot get stuck or hung up on itself or off the ship's hull. This again is a feature very few other AMS turrets have. This turret will as a result be firing with far more consistency than most others.