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    Alequai Issin 2014-12-08

    now that is a bad ass ship 5/5
    Awesome cruise liner
    i Like:
    ship shape, colors, cargobay, the treeroom, workoutzone with the pond, core room for the big contraption there alot of the small details... also seperate sections for crew and passengers.
    i don't like:
    to dark, there is dark everywhere, way to dark, unaccessible spots, either put stuff there or remove them and fill the space with modules or make them accessible the kitchen for example how to get out of it?

    Overall a good ship already looking forward to the real build.
    Well there was no planing for the interior so some parts didnt turn out that good, others were just to see how it will look and the dark areas are just leftovers that i didnt bother lighten. XD

    Thanks for telling me what this ship lacks, that way i can improve on those parts for the next one.