
    Adamas(WIP) 2017-05-09


    Added main turrets and did some minor hull additions
    Worked on some buggy rail logic(might need a complete overhaul)

    Some of the drones were damaged
    (I forgot the front two turrets target your target)

    I apologize for the spacing of this update, I just got a new job to take a break from school.

    Tweaked the fighter drone bay
    (some got stuck on launch)
    Made 4 mining drones
    Mostly finished mining drone bay
    (don't use mining drones for mining yet(bug))
    *This is the last update until the week after Thanksgiving


    Rear seamless doors added for a hatch, hanger, and cargo
    Laser switched to Ion
    Fast-Cannon switched to explosive
    Swarm Missiles modified to explosive
    A cruise button using a push effect connected to a clock
    A starter jump-drive added
    Additional shell work done

    All weapons completed,
    save for adding an effect to the swarm missiles(to be determined)

    Weapons include:
    Long-range Explosive Beam
    Fast Ion Cannons
    Lock-on High-explosive Missiles

    Beam and cannon effects may be switched

    Added power to compensate for new weapons

    added some more shielding

    did some interior and exterior design work

    I added some more turrets
    Did some engine work
    finally finished the drone bays
    (use the queue button if they get stuck docking)
    Added swarm missiles with door
    Added front missiles
    Added more power
    Did more shell work

    added lots of turrets(20)
    6 lock-on explosive missiles
    6 fast-cannons
    6 fast-beam
    2 anti-missile fast-beam
    added more shielding and power
    worked on shell
    added rear docking arms
    made an engine outline

    Did some shell work
    Set some hardpoints

    Added drone doors
    Worked on shell
    Added cannons(to be made into fast ion)

    Some shell work was done
    The logic for the fighter drone bay is started
    The 6 fighter drones are docked