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    Abandoned/Neutral Station 1.1

    Excellent; IMO it should easily have won the contest. Looks awesome on the outside; interior isn't particularly extensive but pretty good regardless. Needs a little refining interior-wise though.
    Thanks, i remember seeing somewhere that they're thinking of doing another station contest again sometime, i suppose i could resubmit it...
    + Good-to-Excellent exterior.

    - very low interior
    - very blocky look.

    - You can't make many hallway details in the ring-section while preserving enough area for a small cargo box to fit through.
    * personally, I prefer hallways with space for a 3^3 ship, thus 4^2 or 5^2 sized hallways.
    Great color scheme, lot's of customizability, end-user isn't handed a perfect station but something to improve and make their own. For a more in-depth review see video: