AA-1 Atrox Battleship

    AA-1 Atrox Battleship v1.2

    uchuu senkan yamato/5
    Please upload as Sment and not a zip.
    seems legit
    A nicely shaped ship. I believe there could be improvements done to the interior. Overall very excellent design.
    I'm not really an interior guy. I'm trying to improve with my newer ships.
    Nice ship..
    Nice looking ship! Did you perchance base it on the SBB-223 (Great Barrier Reef) concept from Battleship Yamato?
    It just so happens that I did.
    It looks good, its fast, and have high shield recharge rate, has escape pods, and a fighter, also ship core is hidden inside well aromored ship centre. All ofthis is big plus. It has large amount of turrets. Also is quite small, give its freatures. What I miss is scanner computer and scanner antennas, and strong and fast main cannon. Ship has quite fast turn rate given its size, but in my opinion it lacks fast and powerfull main cannon. Also I would add more, lets say 1 or 2 missile launchers (dumbfire and guided), and damage beam, so there would be 5 weapon systems available for ship pilot/capitain. This would make absolute this ship winner in most of fights. From my experiments I know that more than 240k shiels recharge easily helps sustain damage from 20 to 30 medium fighters like Dacorum, and Isanth type- zero attacking my ship, so this is very good trait of this ship. Possibly it is safe in fight with one or two frigates and cruisers, both with average armanent. So I wouldnt change it. I know that adding many cannons, beams, and missle launcher blocks consumes much power and it could be a challenge for ship creator, so I welcome warmly any improvenet on this field.
    Anyway - thanks for great ship, its very good at this point, I only signalled some fields of possible improvement.
    Thanks for the constructive criticism! Some changes have been made.
    Fantastic job, it looks sleek and functional!