64x64 DirtySpace

    64x64 DirtySpace 1.4b

    Out of date... it looks like it could be cool though
    looks pretty cool. you´ re doing a great job : )
    very nice texturepack. I love it. :) and im glad, that is now again updated. Good job.
    Look very cool ^^ but i cant this download by dropbox
    Very nice texture pack, but I'm doing something wrong because when I put the textures in my textures folder Starmade won't start. Could someone help me with this?
    Just updated after so long, and wow! Really loving just everything, it actually seems to inspire ships I make. :P
    love this so much it well designed and thought out.
    Love it!
    very very nice thank you so much.
    Why have I never seen this before?!?! This is flat-out the best texture pack going!
    you beautiful person!
    This is a very good set of textures. It makes the game look a whole lot better and kind of inspires some of my ships now.

    You should work on a HUD mod if you can, I would love to see similar textures in something like that.
    Just Downloaded and tried it out.. I have to say it was a very nice 64x64 texture that can give one a whole new look at things.. I would suggest it as a must try for everyone.
    Good, but I wouldn't use because I'd have to relearn the blocks.
    Ahh, the wait is finally over. The best Starmade texture pack has returned. Without DirtySpace, my Starmade experience simply felt incomplete.
    what it is in .rar .rar doesn't work on macs, plz change :)
    There's a program called UnRarX for OS X that unzips .Rar files. It's free too! http://www.unrarx.com/ :D
    Not changing my texture anytime soon, thanks to this :)
    This texture pack is nothing but brilliant.
    The new textures this pack gives me makes my ships feel new and improved in most ways.
    My usual dark looking ships looks darker and more worn like they have been flying through space a million times.

    As most my ships are black the black hardened hull is what I see the most and this is good because it reminds me of the old LEGO Bionicle rough texture.

    Will be used in the future.

    Emperor Nauvran Gerian of the Tartaran Empire approves this texture pack!