Doc Industries Shipyard

    Oct 23, 2013
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    Welcome to the Doc Industries Shipyards
    Here is where I will be posting updates on all the ships I build. Below you can find a condensed list which will link to video showcases of the builds which have them. For the builds without links, they should still posted here on the dock and can be found under my community content.

    I have a YouTube Channel, which I infrequently post videos showcasing my ships. Otherwise, you can find information regarding what Im working on in my monthly/seasonal shipyard update posts here in this thread.

    Most ships I build have little practical use, and are for the most part for roleplay. The main focus for me in the ships I build is to try and take any features or gimmicks I can find from source material, and express it in either the ship systems or rail features. Most of my ships are on the smaller scale, so excuse the mess of tightly compacted logic and systems.

    As far as future projects go, my interests include Star Wars, Star Trek, Transformers, DC Comics, TMNT, among other things which all have potential of becoming future builds under the Doc Industries banner.

    You can find my published builds posted here on the dock: [Link]

    I've also got a Discord where I share reference pictures, progress pictures, or general ideas of what I'm doing: [Link]

    Currently Finished Builds:
    1. X-Wing [Needs updated Showcase]
    2. U-Wing [Needs updated Showcase]
    3. A-Wing [Needs updated Showcase]
    4. Millennium Falcon [Needs updates]
    5. TIE Fighter
    6. TIE Fighter (Inferno Squad)
    7. TIE Boarding Craft
    8. TIE Shuttle
    9. TIE Interceptor (Royal Guard)
    10. TIE Interceptor
    11. TIE Bomber
    12. TIE Phantom
    13. Eta-2 Interceptor
    14. Javelin-7 (Justice League)
    15. T-Car (Teen Titans)
    16. Batwing
    17. Batmobile
    18. Tron Recognizer
    19. Battle Shell (TMNT 2003)
    20. Hiigaran Interceptor
    21. ARC-170
    22. Slave I
    23. CR-90 Corvette
    24. YT-608 (Custom Freighter)
    25. Y-Wing
    26. Razor Crest
    27. Type-18 Shuttlepod
    28. Type-10 Shuttlecraft
    29. Class F Shuttlecraft
    30. Delta Flyer
    31. Naboo Starfighter
    32. Din Djarin N-1 Starfighter
    33. Clone Wars Y-Wing
    34. Razor Squadron ARC-170
    35. Sandcrawler
    36. Starcrawler
    37. Republic Gunship
    38. Phantom
    39. Snowspeeder
    40. Assassin-Class Corvette [WIP]
    41. Starclipper

    Currently WIP Builds
    1. Ace Squadron
    2. CR-90 Repaints
    Currently Retired Builds:
    1. TARDIS
    2. v1 N-1 Starfighter (Lost)
    3. Ginivex-Class Starfighter (Unfinished/Abandoned)
    4. Kyprin Renegade (Backlog WIP)
    5. Raider-Class Corvette (Backlog WIP)
    6. Station for SW Builds (Unfinished/Abandoned)
    Future Build Ideas:
    1. StarSpeeder 1000 & StarSpeeder 3000
    2. Among Us ship (Skeld)
    3. Stinger Mantis (Jedi: Fallen Order)
    4. B-Wing
    5. Towani Family Star Cruiser
    6. Falcata-Class Heavy Phaser Repeater
    7. T-Sub (Teen Titans)
    8. Ghost (Rebels)
    9. Twilight (Clone Wars)
    10. Lando's Millennium Falcon w/ YT Dart
    11. Sequels Millennium Falcon
    12. Scimitar (Sith Infiltrator)
    13. Phoenix Nest
    14. F-143 Firespeeder
    15. Nebulon-B
    16. Night Buzzard
    17. Eravana
    18. Utopia Planitia Shipyard
    19. DS9
    20. Defiant (Possibly gut and redo this one: [Link] )
    21. Put systems in this Prometheus
    22. Zorii Bliss Y-wing
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    Oct 23, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 10
    Doc Industries X-wing
    My X-wing has gone through several variations throughout the years:

    Version 1
    Initially I had made these massive oversize X-wings, which while I still think they look good, they had a few flaws, which is why I retired them. They did have a great amount of room for systems, they were large enough to show off good detail, including the Red 1-12 livery on the wings, which I thought was cool, plus the S-foils, a large version of what I have today, looked pretty darn good, even for being complex.
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    Version 2
    Despite how cool having functioning cockpit windows, landing gear, and s-foils were, I scaled it back to something 1:1 scale. After looking at it for a few months though, I decided to give it a facelift, and ignore the scale a bit, and go for what I thought was most true to the design, but still relatively good scale. I also wasn't going to give up on the S-foils too easily.
    The Left is the original re-scale, while the right is the (relatively) final version.

    In the version we have today, It may not have a cockpit window, or landing gear, but at least it has some pretty darn good looking S-foils for this size.

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    Although the animation isn't the greatest, I think it's the closest I can get to the 30 degree gap seen onscreen. As far as further accuracy, it does have a shield, 4 laser cannons, and hyperdrive, and thrusters. Hopefully in the future it'll also have landing gear, cockpit, and proton torpedoes, but that might be wishful thinking.

    Here's a Lightspeed video showcase of the current version:
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    Oct 23, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 10
    Doc Industries U-wing
    After some experience making my X, A, and Y wings, along with my Millennium Falcon, I'd finally settled on a scale for my fleet, which made creating a U-wing to accompany them much easier.

    It's got the S-foils, 2 laser cannons, hyperdrive, shields, and thrusters. Also since it's mostly a transport, I added Jump Autocharge

    All around it was a pretty simple process to make the U-wing, some future improvements I'd love to see is Landing gear, door mounted turrets, and a couple other paint schemes from Battlefront and such.

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    Here's a Lightspeed video showcase of the current version:

    *Post needs updating
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    Oct 23, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 10
    Doc Industries A-wing
    Similar to my X-wing, my A-wing was once part of my oversized fleet in the days of old, however there was little to no benefit of it being bigger, as there wasn't any rail features or anything on it, it was simply bigger.

    Version 1
    Although my original version might have been a bit chunky, I did create quite a few variants. I made the classic red version, all three rebels variants, and also Hera's A-wing which I hadn't even known was different until I was looking through pictures of A-wings back then.
    starmade-screenshot-0089.png starmade-screenshot-0085.png starmade-screenshot-0124.png

    Version 2
    In order to fit in with my new fleet, my A-wing would also have to go through a re-scale, and I haven't recreated the rebels versions of the A-wings for this scale (Yet). Also similarly to the X-wing, my V2 A-wing would also have a prototype version which would get a facelift to its final form. It's also got a Top Speed 3 chamber, since it's one of the fastest fighters.
    The left side is the current, final version, while the right is the early re-scale.
    starmade-screenshot-0083.png starmade-screenshot-0270.png

    Also while I was going through my screenshots, I did apparently at one point make rebels versions of the smaller A-wing, but these were for the prototype not my final version, so I still have to redo them either way.

    Here's a Lightspeed video showcase of the current version:
    Note to self: Needs updated pictures with Rebel variants
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    Sep 29, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 8
    That is an interesting way to deploy the x wings. I have not seen it done that way before.
    Oct 23, 2013
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    That is an interesting way to deploy the x wings. I have not seen it done that way before.
    Thank you!

    I also had tried it with rail turret axes, but there wasn't really a way to make it as easily automated.

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    You had to manually switch each one. Also never bothered adding real cannons to this version. - Looks better though deployed
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    Oct 23, 2013
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    Doc Industries TIE Fighter

    Version 1
    My oversized TIE Fighter was my first ship I built at this scale, and is what I based most of these other early ships around for scale.
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    Version 2
    Pretty simple ship, didn't include shields as in-universe TIEs don't have any (Imperial era anyway) and I also added Top Speed 3, and Turn Speed 3 chambers to emulate how fast the TIE Fighter is.
    starmade-screenshot-0092.png starmade-screenshot-0093.png

    Also, as a fan of Inferno Squad, I of course I had to make an Inferno Squad variant.

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    Oct 23, 2013
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    Doc Industries TIE Bomber

    Version 1
    Apart from my Millennium Falcon, which has gone through a great deal of version, this is the last ship I build at the "oversize" scale. I don't even remember what the old weapon combos were, but it had Missile/Pulse, and also Missile/Missile. (And cannons of course)
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    Version 2
    This one doesn't have any chambers like the normal TIE Fighter, but it does have a single Lock-On missile. Also no shields like the in-universe counterpart.
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    Version 2.5
    Visual Update. Moved cannons into wings, and added missile launcher port thing
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    Oct 23, 2013
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    Doc Industries TIE Interceptor
    My TIE Interceptor sports cannons on each wingtip, plus twin chin-mounted cannons, making a total of 6 laser cannons. I didn't try to squeeze in enough modules to make it 100% cannon-cannons, instead they're a 10:7 ratio, but when fired in volley mode, it looks beautiful, can't quite capture it in a gif though.

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    Oct 23, 2013
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    Doc Industries TIE Phantom
    In Rebel Assault II, we're introduced to the TIE Phantom. Personally I've never played it, but I have played Empire at War, which is where I'm familiar with this ship. It's a prototype TIE starfighter, (which is apparently still canon surprisingly). It was equipped with shielding, a hyperdrive, as well as a cloaking device. It also had 5 laser canons, 3 on the wingtips, 2 on the body, all of which I've incorporated.

    As far as chambers, it has a Strength 5, permanent Duration, Stealth Jammer/Cloaker

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    starmade-screenshot-0109.png BillyZaneAttacks-FoC.png
    Oct 23, 2013
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    Doc Industries Javelin-7

    The Javelin-7 is the ship used throughout most episodes in the early seasons of the 2001 Justice League cartoon. Since not all of them can fly, they'll typically use this for transportation. I decided to include a perma-jammer just because this ship is basically just a shuttle. It's also got dual Lock-On missiles that do ~1700 damage each, along with rapid-fire cannons with ~300 DPS.

    starmade-screenshot-0110.png Javelin_7.png

    Most of the time in the show the wings on the sides don't rotate when the ship lands, but I know there was at least one example of it, just forgot which episode, plus the toy did it, so I figured that was the intent.
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    starmade-screenshot-0112.png Javelin-7.png
    Oct 23, 2013
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    Doc Industries Batwing
    Much like the Batmobile, Batman's Batplane often takes many different forms, changing in every iteration. My Batplane is meant to most resemble the one seen in Batman: The Animated Series. Since Batman is all about stealth, It's got a Permanent Stealth drive, with Srength 5, a Jammer,and Anti-Lockon. His Batplane also has Top Speed 3. The laser cannons are mostly for show, and do ~100 DPS

    starmade-screenshot-0113.png batman_tas__the_batwing_by_therealfb1_by_therealfb1_dbmgm02-fullview.png

    Apart from having a sleek profile, it's got functional cockpit windscreen.
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    Oct 23, 2013
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    Doc Industries Batmobile
    My take on the 1966 Batmobile. It's a "car" equipped with a rail docker on the bottom to go around roads. It's 5 blocks in width which for any future cars I make will be the standard width. As far as practicality, it's not any more useful than a little core shuttle.

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    Not sure if it can go down streets any faster, but at least its trying.
    Oct 23, 2013
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    Doc Industries T-Car
    One of my favorite episodes from Teen Titans (2003) is Car Trouble, where we're introduced to Cyborg's T-Car. His "Baby".

    T-Car.JPG.jpg starmade-screenshot-0116.png

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    Random fact: I really like that song that plays at the end of the episode when Cyborg and Raven are fixing the car. We need a TT Soundtrack.

    EDIT: In July 2022, the soundtrack for Teen Titans finally was released!!! This is the song I was refrencing: [Link]
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    Oct 23, 2013
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    DI Tron Recognizer

    Version 1
    This one's an older ship, that used to be my jumpship back in the day when those required a bit more space. I still think it looks alright, but I haven't retrofit it or anything.

    starmade-screenshot-0119.png 2718.jpg

    Version 2
    Even though I was initially planning on just retiring this ship, I ended up deciding that I needed some ship with realistic combat capabilities in my fleet that I could use for attacking at the very least pirate stations or something.

    I pretty much just moved the core up to the top area of the ship, and made the entire ship a few blocks deeper, wider, and all around more beefy.

    I didn't make the interior like we see Flynn inside in the actual movie, but I did decide to recolor it in blue and orange alongside red. (Not that I think we ever saw an orange one)

    starmade-gif-0058.gif All of them have color coordinated interiors, and cannons/missiles

    Since this ship is basically my only combat ship, I'll list the stats:

    Mass: 9,315

    - One Unit
    - Reload: 10 Seconds
    - Damage/Projectile: 302,400
    - Total size: 3101
    - Main size 1008, w/ 100% Beam secondary, and 100% EM effect

    - One Primary Unit, Five Decoys
    - (Decoys do 100 Damage/Missile)
    - Damage/Missile: 202,027
    - Reload: 5 Seconds
    - Capacity for 15 missiles
    - Total Size: 2026
    - Main Size: 1013 w/ 100% Beam Secondary.

    - One Group
    - Capacity: 180,750
    - Recharge: 3,615

    - Size: 3188
    - Max Speed: 259
    - T/M Ratio: 2.0

    - Level 53
    - Size: 5311
    - Reactor Base Enhancement
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    Oct 23, 2013
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    Doc Industries Slave I

    Interior is based on Incredible Cross-Sections book

    Rail Features:
    - Hidden Ion Cannon
    - Hidden Swarm Missiles
    - Landing Sequence, which rotates the winglets, twin laser cannons, and the command area.
    - Boarding ramp, and primary access door
    - Expandable USD (As seen in Clone Wars)

    For RP Purposes

    - 2 Rapid fire Cannons (To emulate the primary twin cannons)
    325 DPS
    - 1 Ion Cannon (Cannon-Beam, with EM Effect, to emulate hidden ion cannon)
    650 DPS
    - 1 LockOn Missile (To emulate proton torpedo)
    1803 DPM
    - 1 Heat Seeking missile (To emulate hidden missile cannon)
    613 DPM. 11 shots.
    - 1 Tractor Beam (To emulate Tractor Beam)
    450 Tractor Power
    - 1 Mine Layer (To emulate Seismic Charge)
    Idk how these things work, but I know it does.

    - Jump Drive (To emulate Hyperdrive)
    - Stealth Drive (To emulate Radar Jamming)
    Strength 5
    Permanent Duration

    External Features:

    Boarding Ramp & Primary Access Door:

    Hidden Weapons:
    Swarm Missiles Ion Cannon
    starmade-gif-0098.gif starmade-gif-0100.gif

    Escape Pod: (Accessed through Boba's Quarters)

    Extendable USD: (No ship remote for this one)

    For Internal Features, look at the download page:


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    Oct 23, 2013
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    Oct 23, 2013
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    Doc Industries Battle Shell
    Recently I've been rewatching through the 2003 TMNT series, and since I've already built a few cars, figured I should build the Battle Shell too.

    starmade-screenshot-0133.png Battle-shell.png
    starmade-screenshot-0134.png Battleshell2.jpg

    The doors on the left and right are actually rail, and I included the Shell Cycle in the back like we see in the Battle Shell's first appearance.
    starmade-gif-0061.gif starmade-gif-0059.gif

    Here is the Shell Cycle: It's pretty small so it'd fit inside.
    starmade-screenshot-0136.png Shellcycle.jpg

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    Oct 23, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 10
    Doc Industries Hiigaran Interceptor
    Personally I don't really know anything about Homeworld, which I believe this ship is from, but DrDalekHunter saw my fighters on CakeBuild and asked me to build this ship, so I did. It's doesn't really have much of an interior, and I made it in about an hour or so, but here it is:

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    Wasn't really sure what to put on here for systems, but we got 2 RapidFire Cannons, and 4 LockOn Missiles. Cannons do 257 DPS, and each missile does 1,803 damage.

    It's also got a shield with 8,250 Capacity, and 165 recharge. Thrusters have a 4.7 ratio, with 480.5 Top Speed.

    The reactor is a level 1, with Base Enhancement, Turn Rate 2, and a PermaStealth Drive, with Power Efficiency 3, Strength 5, and a Jammer.