Yet another suggestion for BOBBY AI modules

    Jan 10, 2015
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    I know there are a lot of suggestions and some rumors of some things planed for the BOBBY AI but I really wanted to throw in my two cents on the issue.

    Bobby AI set to 'ship' AI needs to be able to be programmed to dock with the ship or station it last undocked from (with various triggers or some way for the player to make direct commands to tell it to when it needs to come back and dock) and there needs to be a setting on the AI that tells it how far it can move away from the last ship/station it undocked from and/or limit it's travel to specific sectors.

    This is basically what is necessary for drone ship carriers and drone patrol boats guarding stations. Obviously it would need some sort of balance restrictions or everyone would just be massing AI drone fleets, but this is something that I know a lot of people are hoping to see. What is everyone's thoughts on this and what are some of the ways this could be balanced for PvP purposes?