    Aug 24, 2016
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    I don't understand why you people don't like bubble shields if you believe in the devs they can do it and not effect performance if you people support I'm sure we can make this work. 1. Heres how it would work they use the same hexagon grid and what you do is use a new block called a shield generator in which you can pic the size of the shield around your ship. 2. You would get to place recharge's and capacitor's (new versions of source). Bubble shield could be set up to be seen when a weapon is or missile, cannon is 20 or 10 blocks away from the shield setting up and turning on. + More
    Apr 21, 2013
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    It was already done and it sucked, give it up mate.


    Cobalt-Blooded Bullet Mirror
    May 12, 2014
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    A few nasty bits with bubble shields:
    • If you make them out of blocks, wedges, and such they still look too clunky. The bubble has to be smooth, thus meaning you have to have a smoother/more complex collider.
    • The bubble has to be re-calculated every time you extend your ship. How does the game know when you extend? By running a check every time you place a block. Eugh.
    • When do you see the bubble? Always? Then what if you want to hide it for decorative purposes? If you can hide the shield is it fair? What happens when an enemy flies through the shield? Can they fly through the shield or do they collide, making warheads way more useless?
    And the list goes on and on. The system we have now works very well, and I hope it stays that way, honestly. If you want a bubble shield at least you can use glass doors to mimic one.
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    Identifies as a T-34
    Nov 16, 2013
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    It WILL effect performance. Now can a moderator delete this thread or merge it with the other one.
    Aug 24, 2016
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    Sayerulz man stop let people say what they want sone people want it do not deal with it
    Feb 25, 2016
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    So, bubble shields: They are bad because you are trying to force a SPHERE into a cube-based game. It ain't gonna work. The performance drop would be unbearable.

    I like the idea of having blocks that can expand the radius of a shield away from a ship (Giving massive advantages against missiles [Once they work correctly against shields], at the expense, of course, of letting small ships squeeze in "beneath" the shields). As in, noncolliding, invisible blocks that have the shield ripple effect when hit, and effectively disappear completely when shields are down.

    But straight-out bubble shields like you're suggesting are a no-go.


    Part-time God
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    Do not double up threads.

    And pesce rocks, unless you can present your ideas in an orderly fashion no one is going to take you seriously.
    Sep 18, 2014
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    A few nasty bits with bubble shields:
    • If you make them out of blocks, wedges, and such they still look too clunky. The bubble has to be smooth, thus meaning you have to have a smoother/more complex collider.
    Not forced to be a block, look at shield right now. You can use this in a bubble.
    • The bubble has to be re-calculated every time you extend your ship. How does the game know when you extend? By running a check every time you place a block. Eugh.
    Why it's supposed to be something that the server is calculating ? Why it cannot be set by players ? Like choosing the radius of the bubble on a menu, like thrusters. If the player set a too large bubble people will be able to get behind it and if it's too small then blocks won't be protected by it.
    Well, in that case i wouldn't use a straight bubble but an ellipsoid one.

    • When do you see the bubble? Always? Then what if you want to hide it for decorative purposes? If you can hide the shield is it fair? What happens when an enemy flies through the shield? Can they fly through the shield or do they collide, making warheads way more useless?
    And the list goes on and on. The system we have now works very well, and I hope it stays that way, honestly. If you want a bubble shield at least you can use glass doors to mimic one.
    When shooting, like normal shields, going through the shield could be a mechanic for very small vessels to hit large ones of bad designed to use it to their advantage.

    Btw i would use forcefields and not glass for shiels. :p

    Well, to be honest bubble shields can be a huge and a great mechanic but i would wait a lot before looking at it.
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    Wizard/Developer/Project Manager
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    Its really interesting when someone says "They tried it and it wasn't fun didn't work," the other party didn't listen. Lots of other things to build on first. #byebyebubbles


    Nov 14, 2013
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    Its really interesting when someone says "They tried it and it wasn't fun didn't work," the other party didn't listen.
    Yes, because usually the other party doesn't believe them.


    Eldrich Timelord
    Jan 16, 2014
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    I don't understand why you people don't like bubble shields if you believe in the devs they can do it and not effect performance if you people support I'm sure we can make this work. 1. Heres how it would work they use the same hexagon grid and what you do is use a new block called a shield generator in which you can pic the size of the shield around your ship. 2. You would get to place recharge's and capacitor's (new versions of source). Bubble shield could be set up to be seen when a weapon is or missile, cannon is 20 or 10 blocks away from the shield setting up and turning on. + More
    advanced build mode -> build helper -> make a bubble -> limit placement ->Fill with area triggers -> Oh look mah, I haz bubbel shieldz.
    Bonus points; docked, rotating, multy-sheild system.


    Nov 14, 2013
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    remove shields they're annoying
    I agree with the sentiment, if not the idea... Shields right now are annoying, though IDK how to fix that, because using shields as a primary defense should be a viable option but right now they're just... ugh. I guess a bleedthrough mechanic might work?
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    madman Captain

    Self-appointet Overlord of the Scaffold
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    Just add enough Beacon Light Blocks around your ship. From distance its look s like your ship is surrounded by an energy field or nebula.

    Counts as "Bubble Shield" for me


    Definitely not a skywanderers dev
    Apr 25, 2015
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    I agree with the sentiment, if not the idea... Shields right now are annoying, though IDK how to fix that, because using shields as a primary defense should be a viable option but right now they're just... ugh. I guess a bleedthrough mechanic might work?
    Honestly I think it's just recharges fault for the way it cancels out damage rather than absorbing it. Any ship can deal with full Capacitators, but I feel like any ship under like 300k blocks just runs into issues breaking strong recharge on ships that aren't even that much bigger than them. Larger ships can easily work heavy alpha & high dps into their structure to deal with it, smaller ships don't get it so easy and rechargers seems to screw them over extra for it.

    Capacitators of course then could be buffed to draw out combat some more

    Those are just my current thoughts on them anyway, ask me last month I probably would have said buff rechargers because im in Shield Injector withdrawal.