Which folders contain the following? (options, single player file)

    Jun 29, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Given the current state of the game, it seems as though the suggestion of re-installing does come up every now and then to fix various issues.

    Given that, I wish to know which folders or files I can save and just put back into a re-install to avoid certain hassles. The first of which is Blueprints, which I already know the deal with. That leaves me wanting to know where to find:

    1. the file(s) that hold all my options preferences. Including the keybinds I set up (actually, the keybinds is the entire reason). Because quite bluntly, the default controls are problematic in several ways for me. And if this is something I need to do every couple days until we get somewhere into the beta stage, I would prefer not having do deal with having to re-keybind things every single time I do this.

    2. The files/folders which hold my "single player world," its blueprints, sector data, etc.

    The idea of course being that it will be a LOT less of a hassle to use this method of attempting to fix client issues if I can transfer the "important stuff" after deleting and re-downloading it.
    Apr 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    the keybindings are located in the StarMade folder and the file is keyboard.cfg

    the single player stuff is a bit more spread out.

    blueprints are (most likely) in the blueprints folder and take up the folder with there name, (eg isanth IV takes up that entire folder, files and all)

    server-database contains all the station files and such.