Weapon "cores," construction/firing mechanics and improved build mode symmetry.

    Jun 29, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    First, the weapons suggestion requires build mode's symmetry system to be improved a certain way, such that if you were to place a docking module on both sides of the ship at once, that you could select one, and the other side will also be selected as a "secondary" selection. Put simply, you could, while in symmetry mode select the docking module you placed on one side and place docking enhancers connected to it, and the other side will place docking enhancers that are connected to the equivalent docking module on the OTHER side.

    In other words, make using symmetry in build mode allow you to set up connections between multiple symmetrical blocks at once, so you don't need to exit symmetry mode and do each turret or docking module's enhancers individually like you currently do.

    As for how this plays into weapons...

    Basically, the weapon idea is this: No More Weapons Computers!

    Instead, there will be weapons cores. The way weapons cores work is this: weapons blocks do nothing unless linked to a weapons core, similarly to how weapons blocks must be connected to a weapons computer currently. However, they must be physically attached to the core either directly or through contact with other weapons blocks which are touching the core. If the group of weapons blocks is not in touch with the core, they will not fire.

    This means that damaged weapons will not split into multiple smaller weapons, but will instead result in a smaller main weapon (basically whichever group of weapon blocks that is still touching the core is the weapon that will fire).

    Each core placed corresponds to only ONE firing point (placed by default at the forward-most connected weapon block). Which is why the symmetry mode idea I posted first is necessary to maintain sanity, as you would otherwise need to treat each weapon like you do turret and docking modules (i.e. not use symmetry modes when building them).

    If a core is destroyed, that means the weapon can no longer fire, but this will not effect other weapons since each has its own core.

    How to fire and use weapons.

    Weapon cores would link automatically to the ship core, much like how various non-weapon-systems do currently. As such, you can still select which you are currently able to fire, and can't just fire everything at once.

    A modification to the current system here would just be that you can now have one weapon of each "type" selected at a time. So one primary weapon (blasters, salvage beams, power drain beams, repair beams, etc), and one secondary weapon (missiles, pulse, etc). And in the event flares and mines and other countermeasures get added at some point, one tertiary weapon. This means that you can fire your blasters while locking on a missile, and do not have to stop firing to do so.

    Since the right mouse button isn't really used for ship piloting, it could be given the secondary weapon. Assuming it doesn't recieve a role as the "alternate fire mode" button, in which case it can be put somewhere in the keyboard (the default keyboard controls could use some revamping anyway).

    Ideas that build upon/require weapons cores, but are not necessary for them to be good. In fact, those of you who like the weapons core ideas, feel free to disagree with these next ones if you don't like them.

    1. Weapons computers. Not to be confused with current weapons computers. These would not be connected to weapons, but would automatically link with the ship core. Having one would allow you to access some improved features for as long as the weapons computer is on your ship (i.e is not destroyed). For instance, they could allow for an alternate fire mode for some weapons. They could also add a targetting reticle that does a basic calculation to tell you approximately where the target will be once your shots reach that distance. Or they may allow you to use lock-on functions for missiles, and/or increase the speed at which you acquire lock-on. Perhaps one might improve weapon efficiency a bit, or allow you to tweak weapons parameters a bit. These effects would be automatic and/or usable via the ship core in most cases, though weapon tweaking may require getting out of the core and using that type of computer in astronaut mode (maybe it can be called an engineering computer). On that note, these different effects could be given via different computers with different names. So they may not necessarily need be called "weapons computers."

    Depending on what sorts of things are done with them, "computer tower" blocks could be added that when linked to a computer, enhance its function. If this is to occur, the same computer tower block can probably be made to be linkable with ANY computer type to save on item type bloat (hint: its annoying to deal with having 20 inventory spots filled by just one category of item, though this is more an issue with the next suggestion if not done as indicated).

    2. Non-specific weapons blocks. Put simply, all weapon-specific blocks except the cores are removed, and replaced with a single group of weapons blocks. Since any given block can only connect to a single weapon core, that core will determine the type of weapon or similar system the block treated as.

    That is not to say there would only be one type. Nay, we can have a bunch of different ones (NON-unique ones that can be linked to ANY weapon core type, to spare us substantial inventory bloat). A single weapon is considered the weapon core, and all blocks that are linked to it. Note that this requires multiple block types being able to link to the same weapons core. Also, it requires the "sensing mechanic" that determines whether a linked block is "touching" the weapons core (see my comment on damaged weapons in the original weapons core section) to be able to count all weapon block types when determining whether it can be counted as part of the weapon still. This may actually be pretty easy: all you need to is sense for linked blocks rather then weapons blocks in particular, since only blocks that are associated with that core can be linked to it. This method will prevent side-by-side weapons from using each other's blocks in the damage-sensing mechanic anyway. Without further ado, here are some ideas for different block types to link to your weapons cores.

    A. Line Barrel. Improves the accuracy of the weapon. Weapons no longer have perfect aim and always go the exact same way, but a decent number of these will make it close enough. Accuracy increases based on the dimensions only. Ideally, it would only do so in the dimensions the weapon is firing in. If there are never any plans to have side-facing weapons systems, this can just be set so only the Z-dimension matters. Otherwise, it could be set so only the highest dimension matters, and the other two are ignored. A wider barrel would serve mostly to be more resistant to damage so a lucky hit won't sever it in two and kill its accuracy (for larger guns anyway). This system would have no effect on missiles, which always launch straight.

    A weapon's shot originates from the most forward active barrel block by default (i.e. most forward linked block that can trace a path from itself to the weapon core through other blocks linked to that core), similar how they (sometimes) do currently fire from weapon blocks in general. If there is no barrel block, it originates from the weapon core instead. So placing one or two may be useful for missiles just to make them fire from a place other then that. If possible, it would be cool that, in the event there is more then one barrel at the "furthest forward" coordinate value in question, that it would alternate between them with each shot. But that would be an aesthetic bonus.

    B. Firing Chamber. This increases the damage done greatly, and should scale with both blocks and dimensions such that the best way to go about it is to build it in a solid rectangular cube. In addition to increasing damage, it also greatly increases the delay it takes to fire the weapon again, at about the same rate that damage increases. Lastly, it has a smaller negative effect on weapon accuracy (for non-missiles). For any weapon that would use ammo (just missiles and maybe an occasional primary gun when more are added), it also greatly increases the number of ammo points consumed per shot. Which brings us to:

    C: Ammunition Batteries. Increases the number of ammunition points that weapon has available to it. Useless for any weapon that does not use ammo (i.e. most sorts of energy weapons). These scale exponentially by grouping size, similar to how power storage tanks do (but faster). Large ships are unlikely to run out of any weapon they have except in very extended combat (or lazy captains) as a result, while fighters and small ships are liable to run out in a fight if they overuse them. Since ammo-based weapons would typically require either no or very small amounts of power, power tanks actually are their effective equivalent for energy-based weapons. The difference is that power tanks also can be used by shields and engines systems, and affect all weapons at once (whereas each ammo battery ONLY works with the weapon whose core it is linked to, and not even other weapon cores of the same type).

    Ammunition points would have a set cost-per-point, and all shops would have an option to replenish the ship's ammo stores. All ammo-based weapons use the same kind points, but each one may use different numbers of said points at once based on construction and weapon type (determined by the type of weapon core and firing chamber size respectively). to simulate different costs-per-round/storage space, and each one can only use points from its linked ammunition battery, which effectively similates that you can't just move ammo around from a missile to a railgun easily. Put simply, the "realism" factors are already built into the weapons core mechanics, so there is no need for ammo points to be split up into categories or any such complicated whatnot.

    D. Reloading Systems. Scale via dimensions and block numbers similar to power generators (so crosses would be good). These greatly reduce refire delay, but greatly increase energy cost-per-shot via multiplier of the original cost. Ammo-based weapons will typically have very low energy costs, but increasing their refire rate will tend to deplete them faster. (Firing chamber size already deals with the ammo concerns of stronger weapons). There would be a minimum refire delay possible for each weapon core, so you wouldn't be able to fire 3 missiles a second for instance.

    Depending on how weapons end up being designed and made to work by schema, we could add one more:

    E. Technical systems. Or Enhancer systems. Or some other vague name. These systems would enhance the weapon's special traits, if it has one. For instance, it could perhaps improve lock-on speed for a homing missile (assuming that isn't dealt with via computer or radar systems of some sort). Or maybe it would increase a homing missile's ability to turn. It could enhance an "alternate firing mode" a weapon may have, if those were to be added. If a weapon were added that does a small amount of shield-penetration, or which does increased damage to either shield or hull, this block type could perhaps increase the effectiveness of this trait. For pulse weapons at least, it could perhaps increase the duration of the effect. I have no ideas for how it scales, other then that it should get diminishing returns to limit how unbalanced it can potentially make any given weapons system.

    To wrap things up, I should stress that these four (or five) blocks would be just that. ONLY 4-5 blocks. In other words, you would use these same blocks for all weapons systems. What that weapon actually is would be determined by the core they are linked to. The reason for this is because it would be a total MESS otherwise. Do you really want to deal with 5 different inventory slots for a single weapon (4 plus one slot for the weapon core), rather then the current 2 (computer and block), that you would need if each weapon had all these unique blocks dedicated only to that type? It might work if the building block inventory is reworked somehow so you are not limited in how many different kinds of blocks you can have in it (maybe something akin to Minecraft's creative mode block menu). But without that, these blocks would bloat your inventory and make it troublesome if not downright annoying to deal with building any ship with more then 2 weapon types. So I say let these 4-5 blocks be generic and linkable to ALL the weapon cores. That way, you only need 4-5 inventory spaces, plus 1 for every weapon type you are carrying cores for (so you'd "break even" relative to the current system once you are carrying 4 or 5 types of weapon cores around).

    Ideally, the blocks in question would also change their appearance based on which core they are linked to (just being an "unpowered dark grey" or a "generic jumble of technology" when not linked to a weapons core). The system involved in this could potentially have other visual uses down the road too. For instance, it could be applied to docking enhancers too, so you can tell when an enhancer isn't linked to a module (from damage or forgetting to select, etc). And of course, it would tell you when a weapon core has been destroyed so you know you need to just remove all the blocks from it and replace it.

    Well, that's that. Its now open season on these ideas. Or maybe its Duck Season. Or both. Either way, sorry I went on and on for so long.
    Aug 15, 2013
    Reaction score
    I think this would be a great expansion to the weapon system and I like all Ideas.

    It seems to be a more promising way to define and balance weapons rather than the Weapon Dimension ideas.

    To Improve the Non-Specified-Weapon-Block Idea I would suggest to add metadata to the blocks so they change their look when connected to a weapons core.

    My Inventory thanks you,My eyes dont you shoud shorten the mighty wall of text.
    Jun 29, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    If you don\'t explain these ideas too well, it sometimes leaves the wrong impression or opens itself up to issues.

    Speaking of issues, the biggest this concept has, regardless of whether the second bunch of optional stuff also gets added, is that it renders existing ship designs incompatible with the new system. Current blueprints could at least still be loaded, if you replace weapons computers with the weapons cores, and the current weapon blocks with one of the weapons parts types (this second part unecessary for the \"simple\" version with one type of weapon block aside from the core).

    That said, I would honestly be willing to accept there being a couple times during development during which a patch rendered old blueprints (if not old universes entirely) effectively useless without major overhaul. Or even times when it actually is no longer possible to import old blueprints due to significant changes to blocks, or to how a blueprint file is saved. I\'ll be honest, this could well be necessary at some point.